Thursday, October 7, 2010

Politics and us

"The worst illiterate is the political illiterate." Bertold Bretch's words echoes today. Now, have we become more conscious people on these last years? How is this knowledge generation, the communication society dealing with these issues? For me, it feels that young people have become more and more skeptical about the trustability of our politicians and most of the time they totally "despise" it. However, being a political literate is much more about taking part into the decisions that affect our own lives than simply voting or discussing over parties. In this sense, I guess there is a trend on people getting more active but, most of us are still held in shallow ground and simply following the crowd.

On these last months, many people of my social network, people who access internet, who usually don't care at all about what's going on in the congress, who avoid conversations about the politics and so on, have become quite more engaged on the voting process. But the truth is, they don't really believe that any of the options is a good one. It is just a matter of the least of evils. It's not me saying that, just ask anyone in the streets.

After all, why is that? Simply put, people don't really see the effect of all that into their real lives and, when it's not the case, they do not see any power in themselves to change the situation. Then, when arguing why they are voting for someone, or why they have put this link on their facebook profile against such a candidate, they can't say much. It's always the same weak arguments, lacking real knowledge of the context and situation.

Reasons for discredit of politicians:
1. Superficial Debates.
2.Inability of them to put the promises into effect.
3. Lack of trustworthiness. (low loyalty levels and corruption)
4. Lack of Ideologies (or clear policies)
Which bring us:
5. A feeling that we don't have any real power to influence.

It won't be of any use if I just point the reasons for the problem. What can be done to overcome this situation, are there any suggestions? I would summarize it on bringing more power for the people so they can actually change things. How can we do that? Firstly, we can use media and communications technology to promote interactions and discussions (In fact, it is already happening, although very confusing, based most on mocking the opponents and lacking solid arguments). Of course, the goal of this is to cause influence on whom the crowd votes.

Another thing is to stimulate an education, both in school and on mass media, that highlights the impact of political decisions upon our lives, both in the short and long terms. At last, I would emphasize that those directly involved in certain positions should stop looking for power and looking for action. Then, instead of focusing on lateral issues that may take votes from the other, try to bring into the discussion important matters.


1.Use of media and communication technology.
2.Stimuli to political and economic education.
3.Stimuli to deeper debates.
4.Mechanisms of internet connection to Legislative.
5.Bring more power for people to change things.

What can I myself do right now? I can write on this blog, direct discussions with friends into what is the realm of government, start discussions on social networks, study, start a company, be honest...countless things.

I have a dream...that one day...jk. But we should really work to be at a point where everyone has space to raise his voice, where people will criticize and let himself be criticized, where the strength of our voice will be based on wisdom and intelligence, not simply on power structures or social influence. I am sure that this way, we will live in a much better society, for everyone will be responsible for laying the bricks that form it.

1 comment:

  1. precisamos de mudanca na nossa politica mesmo!!!!
